Who Benefits from Grexit ?

Greece Clashes: Video of fire bombs, tear gas… di RTnews  It is debatable whether Grexit will be more or less likely after a  YES or NO vote on Sunday. While it has been argued that a NO vote may reinforce Tsipras’ hand in negotiations and may thus  lead to concession on debt forgiveness, my impression […]

My paper of Fiscal Convergence and Real Divergence in the Euro area

Yesterday I presented a paper at the European Parliament in Brussels in the context of the meeting between the Parliament and the President of the Eurogroup which will take place today. I argue that more fiscal convergence in the Euro area has come at the cost of increasing economic divergence in important economic outcomes, such […]

The EU Fiscal Framework: The Proof of the Pudding

I have been invited to participate to a round table organized by Bruegel , the Brussels based think-tank, assessing the Fiscal framework in the Eurozone in the present crisis (the complete program is here). In brief, I made the following four points (slides are here). 1) Since 2009 there was an unprecedented fiscal consolidation in […]

AAA Fuochi d’artificio alla Camera dei Deputati

Ne vedremo e sentiremo delle belle… ________________________________________________ Con Il Patrocinio della Presidenza della Camera dei Deputati CONFERENZA- DIBATTITO LA CRISI INFINITA :EXIT STRATEGY A CONFRONTO Camera dei Deputati – Sala dei Gruppi Parlamentari Via di Campo Marzio, 74 – Roma MARTEDI 11 MARZO ORE 9.30/14.00 Saluti e introduzione:on. Pino PISICCHIO Modera: Giorgio STAMATOPOULOS (Radio Città […]

Privatizzazioni e Debito nell’Eurozona: Lezioni dal Fiasco Greco

Nel bel mezzo della crisi europea del debito, si è tentati di pensare che i paesi ad alto debito potrebbero attenuare l’ impatto recessivo del processo di consolidamento di bilancio vendendo asset pubblici e partecipazioni nelle imprese statali (SOE), e utilizzare il ricavato per riacquistare il  proprio debito. Oltre a fornire un risorse finanziarie per […]

Privatizations and Debt : Lessons From The Greek Fiasco

 In the midst of the European Debt Crisis, it is tempting to think that high-debt countries could alleviate the recessionary impact of the budget consolidation process by selling (poorly managed) assets and stakes in their state owned enterprises (SOEs), and by using the proceeds to buy back their debts. In addition to providing a cushion […]

What’s wrong with Europe?

by Paolo Manasse and Isabella Rota Baldini The US and Europe; a tale of two cities: while the economic recovery is well underway in the United States, with growth back to 2.5 percent and falling unemployment, the Eurozone economy is struggling to recover. Why? We argue in this paper that the major differences between the […]

Regole e Discrezionalità nella Politica Monetaria

Nella Foto: Mi sto recando verso l’Aula del Seminario Sono stato invitato alle  Giornate di Noise from Amerika 4-6 Giugno in corso a Camaldoli per parlare sul tema “Un confronto internazionale nella conduzione della politica monetaria: discretion versus rules” (qui il programma), insieme a Roberto Piazza, Alberto Bisin e Michele Boldrin. Le diapositive del mio […]

I Costi delle Crisi Finanziarie (e l’Euro)

Insegnare a (bravi) studenti di Dottorato ha un lato positivo, si impara un sacco. Gli studenti del mio corso a Bologna su Economics of Financial Crises hanno discusso qualche giorno fa un interessante lavoro di Valerie Cerra and Sweta Chaman, che non conoscevo, “Growth Dynamics: The Myth of Economic Recovery“, pubblicato su American Economic Review […]

Top Paper !

I am very happy to share the mail received by my coauthor Luca Zavalloni from Michael C. Jensen the Chairman of the Social Science Research Network, concerning our recently posted paper on Contagion in Europe. Well done Luca (and myself) ! _________________________________________________________ Dear Luca Zavalloni: Your paper, “SOVEREIGN CONTAGION IN EUROPE: EVIDENCE FROM THE CDS […]