Proportional Rules and Troika Risk

In a December 2016 post I discussed the likelihood of Italy falling back into chaotic political instability, capital flights, rising bond spreads and bank runs (TROIKA scenario). I argued that much would depend how the Gentiloni government would manage the hot potato of the new electoral rules, the troika scenario being more likely if  a proportional system […]

L’Europa a 5 Stelle

In occasione delle celebrazioni per il 60 anno dalla firma del trattato di Roma di fondazione della Comunità Europea il Movimento 5 Stelle  ha pubblicato il Libro a 5 Stelle dei Cittadini per l’Europa . Questo contiene il progetto con cui il Movimento intende “cambiare radicalmente le politiche europee” . Il documento è di agevole lettura: escludendo gli […]

What Happens if the Yes Wins at the Referendum

Most national and international observers have focused on the domestic and international consequences of  a possible NO victory, currently leading in the polls,  in the Referendum on Constitutional reforms, next Sunday. The list features: political instability, a possible resignation of Renzi to be replaced by a transitional “technocratic” government and leading to new elections, a […]