di Fabrizio Patti de Linkiesta
Senza categoria
China’s Yuan: surprise surprise !
True, the Yuan’s depreciation in the last 3 days, about 3.3% , is a big change since the policy of peg to the US dollar adopted by the Bank of China around 2005. But is it really a surprise? A quick look at the graph below, which depicts the chinese current account surplus as a […]
On the 50 billion Greek Fund from Privatisations
It seems we are back to the 2011 Papandreu’s implausible estimates from privatizations. Here is my take from Jan 2014.
Tsipras and the Transitive Property
During his speech at the European Parliament today, Prime Minister Tsipras, exposed a common argument heard very often from his national and international supporters: he accused the international creditors of the fact that their loans only served to payback (German and French) banks, rather than help the Greek people. (“The money that was given to […]
Points of View on Referendum
From Greece , from Germany (“Give the Money or I’ll Shoot”) courtesy of Daiily Shot
Who Benefits from Grexit ?
Greece Clashes: Video of fire bombs, tear gas… di RTnews It is debatable whether Grexit will be more or less likely after a YES or NO vote on Sunday. While it has been argued that a NO vote may reinforce Tsipras’ hand in negotiations and may thus lead to concession on debt forgiveness, my impression […]
Drachma’s good old days…
via The Daily Shot
Greece vs Germany: Monty Python’s take
(courtesy of @nereidadin)
Il Piede in Due Staffe di Tsipras
A uno sguardo superficiale, la decisione di Tsipras di convocare un referendum sulla proposta di accordo dell’Ue sembra irreprensibile….(cont)
Tsipras’ choice : running with the hare and hunting with the hounds
On the surface, Tsipras’ decision to hold a Referendum on the EU agreement proposal seems irreprehensible. This is a crucial decision for Greece which would have far reaching economic and political implications for the next few years (Drachma vs Euro, Russia/EU influence). Democracy requires that the people should decide. This narrative is nonsense. Tsipras has […]
The GREXIT probability
The current state of affairs in the Greece’s drama makes Grexit slightly more likely than the alternative of Greece staying in the Eurozone. The Greek Parliament has just approved the Referendum proposed by Prime Minister Tsipras for voters to approve or reject the creditors’ proposal on July the 5th. Now the unfolding of events looks […]
Greece fast (bank) runners
Guess who is (and has been) running faster out of bank deposits in Greece ? source: @M_-McDonough, via The Daily Shot
What went wrong (and how to fix it) : lesson for Europe from the Greek crisis
On june 3 I took part to the Conference on ” A new growth Model for the Greek Economy” presenting a paper “What went wrong (and how to fix it): lessons for Europe from the Greek crisis”. Here are the slides of my presentation, here is my Voxeu Column and here the version in Italian
Cosa è andato storto in Grecia e come rimediare
La versione in italiano del mio posto si trova qui
Intervista sulla Grecia
Bell’articolo di Vittorio da Rold sul Sole 24 con mia intervista
The Greek Saga and Redemptions
The next two weeks are going to be crucial for the Greek saga. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reports that the Greek government has about until the first week of April before running out of cash. Assuming this is true, a deal on reforms will have to be signed off by then. Debt coming due is […]
Percapita Income and Religion
Interesting chart on Religion and Income from Daily Shot
Conversations about Europe (in Italian)
A radio radicale ieri con Tonia Mastrobuoni e Valeria Manieri
Slides of Paper on Fiscal Convergence & Economic Divergence
Here are the slides of my paper on Fiscal Convergence and Economic Divergence in the Euro area, that I presented at the European Parliament (and at the Joint Vienna Institute)
Dal Corriere
Bel pezzo di Danilo Taino sul Corriere di oggi che racconta il mio paper (clicca per ingrandire)