Sondaggio: A chi verrà assegnato il Nobel per l’economia 2011?
Ecco una lista dei più quotati economisti secondo la rete
- Jagdish Bhagwati, Avinash Dixit for international trade
- Robert Barro, Paul Romer for growth economics
- Oliver Hart for Transaction economics
- William Nordhaus and and Martin Weitzman for Environment Economics.
- Eugene Fama and Kenneth French for Financial economics
- Robert Shiller and Richard Thaler for behavioral economics
- John Taylor and Mark Gertler for monetary economics,
- Alberto Alesina, Guido Tabellini, Torsten Persson for political economy,
- Nobuhiro Kiyotaki & John H. Moore for their famous model on credit imperfections and
- Kevin M. Murphy for his all-round excellent work in economics
- Ken Rogoff of Harvard and Carmen Reinhart for their work on economic crises
- Douglas W. Diamond, for the analysis of financial intermediation and monitoring
- Jerry A. Hausman and Halbert L. White, Jr. for their contributions to econometrics,
specifically the Hausman specification
test and the White standard errors test - Anne O. Krueger , Gordon Tullock for their description of rent-seeking
behavior and its implications
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- Chi volesse scommetere soldi può farlo qui
- i risultati saranno resi noti il 10 ottobre (dopo la proclamazione del vincitore del premio Nobel)
PS: dimenticavo, ci sarebbe anche Jean Tirole, per Industrial Economics e un sacco di altre cose