Pick Your Nobel Prize in Economics!

Sondaggio: A chi verrà assegnato il Nobel per l’economia 2011?
Ecco una lista dei più quotati economisti secondo la rete

  1. Jagdish Bhagwati, Avinash Dixit for international trade
  2. Robert Barro, Paul Romer for growth economics
  3. Oliver Hart for Transaction economics
  4. William Nordhaus and and  Martin Weitzman for  Environment Economics.
  5. Eugene Fama and Kenneth French for Financial economics
  6. Robert Shiller and Richard Thaler for behavioral economics
  7.  John Taylor and Mark Gertler for monetary economics,  
  8. Alberto Alesina, Guido Tabellini, Torsten Persson for political economy,  
  9. Nobuhiro Kiyotaki & John H. Moore for their famous model on credit imperfections  and  
  10. Kevin M. Murphy for his all-round excellent work in economics
  11. Ken Rogoff of Harvard and Carmen Reinhart  for their work on economic crises
  12. Douglas W. Diamond, for the analysis of financial intermediation and monitoring
  13. Jerry A. Hausman and Halbert L. White, Jr.   for their contributions to econometrics,
    specifically the Hausman specification
    test and the White standard errors test

  14. Anne O. Krueger , Gordon Tullock for their description of rent-seeking
      behavior and its implications  


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  • i risultati saranno resi noti il 10 ottobre (dopo la proclamazione del vincitore del premio Nobel) 

PS: dimenticavo, ci sarebbe anche Jean Tirole, per Industrial Economics e un sacco di altre cose