Italy’s Crashes and Spreads: Early Warnings

Yesterday decision by the Senate Committee in charge of Berlusconi’s exclusion from Parliament to hold the final vote by secret ballots is making more likely a split in the PdL/Forza between pro/anti government, as a last-minute-under-cover pro-Berlusconi vote is becoming impossible. A split would considerably reduce Letta’s majority in Parliament and raise the likelihood of […]

BTP-Bund Spread and Crash Probability

The rise in the  likelihood of a disorderly dissolution (“crash”) of the Parliament , that I estimate to have risen from 0.52 to 0.65 since Friday last week following PdL ministers and MPs threat of resignations, is already affecting the BTP-Bund spread (today the spread opened around 290bp). If we assume that probability of an […]

Zanonato e la Bandiera Bianca

Il governo ha un problema: trovare 8 miliardi per finanziare l’abolizione dell’IMU sulla prima casa e evitare l’aumento di un punto dell’IVA, misure che richiederebbero 4 miliardi l’una. La prima osservazione è che il problema se lo è posto, per metà, lo stesso governo, a cui il dottore non ha certo ordinato di ridurre l’IMU, […]

Renzi contro il BGB

La discesa in campo di Renzi ha sparigliato le carte, allineando gli incentivi di Berlusconi, Grillo e Bersani (BGB). Grillo e Berlusconi hanno molto da perdere, in termini di consenso elettorale, se riuscisse il take-over di Renzi sul PD, ed il centrosinistra  si presentasse alle prossime  elezioni con la nuova leadership (vedi il post con […]

Berlusconi explained to Romanians

(Interview to Matei Dobrovie, of  Adevarul, Romenia. “How Italy lost its economic competitveness” , 9/1/2012 Google translation) PM Monti announced new measures to support the liberalization and competition in key sectors of the economy and industry to enhance economic growth. Italy has lost high-tech competition with the U.S., Japan, China and India and is short […]

The Bocconi University Coup

The story that the (extreme) left- and right-wingers are telling now is that a coup is taking place in Italy. The “obscure powers” of international finance, thanks to the the Democratic Party and to President Napolitano, through heavy speculation against the Italian debt, succeeded in driving out the Berlusconi government, a goverment legitimized by popular […]

L’idea del Bene Comune

(questa è la traduzione di un articolo in corso di publicazione su Foreign Affairs) A partire dalla crisi finanziaria del 2008, molti economisti avevano tratteggiato lo scenario da incubo che si sta svolgendo ora in Europa: un effetto domino, lento ma ineluttabile, in cui  Grecia, Irlanda, Portogallo, Spagna e Italia (i PIGS o PIIGS per […]

Berlusconi: Will his fall bring down or save the Euro?

(forthcoming in Foreign Affairs) Since the onslaught of the 2008 financial crisis, many economists had been forewarning the EU nightmare scenario now unfolding: a slow but inescapable domino effect as the economies of Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, and Italy (the PIGS, or PIIGS for the Italy-pessimists) collapsed. Yet most observers got the ordering wrong: the […]